Case Studies

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Case studies, stories based on actual services provided for clients, may help you better understand how AnotherDaughter™ meet the needs of seniors.

Case Study: Gordon

Gordon was in assisted living.  His room was piled high with untended papers, and he wasn’t eating.

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Case Study: Fred

Fred lived out of town.  His mother had fallen, broken her leg and was transferred to a rehabilitation facility after the hospital stay.

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Case Study: Anne

Anne had been caring for her elderly relative Susan for the past few years.  Anne needed help with paperwork.

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Case Study: Peter

Peter was just getting ready to retire and wanted to travel. His father, John, was living in an assisted living community and needed attention when Peter was out of town.

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Meet the Care Coordinator

Lesley’s vision for AnotherDaughter™ is to assist seniors in need of care and to find the “best fit” of services.

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Service at a glance


Senior Care Advocates Provide Paperwork Management Services.

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