Case Studies

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Peter called AnotherDaughter™ to help with his father. Peter was just getting ready to retire and wanted to travel. His father, John, was living in an assisted living community and needed attention when Peter was out of town. At meetings with AnotherDaughter™, Peter and his father decided that what John needed was for them to help monitor his health care. They make sure John has his needs met while Peter is gone. AnotherDaughter™ takes John to the doctor, sits in on consultations, asks informed questions, advocates for John with the doctor and sends Peter an email report the same day to keep him informed. They worked with the nurse, the resident services department, the executive director and other facility personnel, advocating for John to make sure he received the care he needs. Peter is comfortable traveling and leaving his father in their hands. Peter knows they will be there for his father, even if he needs a middle-of-the-night visit to the hospital. AnotherDaughter™ believes that the elderly should never have to go to the hospital alone.

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Support for Independent Living

AnotherDaughter™ performs many senior care services, and can arrange, supervise and coordinate many others.

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