Case Studies
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Fred called in a panic. His mother had fallen, broken her leg and was transferred to a rehabilitation facility after the hospital stay. Fred lived out of town. He needed help sorting through his mother’s affairs and coordinating her move from rehab to an assisted-living community. AnotherDaughter™ spent many hours sorting through piles of paperwork that covered the dining room table. They combed cabinets, closets, boxes—literally every nook and cranny, and sorted what to keep, shred, or recycle. For example, deeds had to be separated from recipes and letters. Forgotten prescriptions were submitted for reimbursement. AnotherDaughter™ simplified keeping track of Fred’s mother’s funds by reducing the number of her investment and banking institutions and credit cards. In addition, when his mother was ready to move from assisted to independent living, they advocated with the facility which sped up her move. Peace and calm prevailed.
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