Case Studies

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Gordon was in assisted living. He was depressed and took to his bed when he could no longer navigate around on his scooter. His room was piled high with untended papers, and he wasn’t eating. AnotherDaughter™ was called in by Judy, his sister, who was concerned because she lived out of town and couldn’t be there for him as often as she wished. AnotherDaughter™ organized his room. They met with the executive director, head nurse, division director and floor staff of his facility to ensure Gordon was getting the attention he needed. It was determined that he needed someone with him daily, so a companion was engaged. AnotherDaughter™ went with Gordon on doctors’ visits and prepared written reports. They also worked with Gordon and his family to make sure powers of attorney and end of life paperwork were in order. His family was encouraged to be more connected and Gordon was happier with the increased attention. The family was pleased to be more involved.

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Fred called in a panic. His mother had fallen, broken her leg and was transferred to a rehabilitation facility after the hospital stay. Fred lived out of town. He needed help sorting through his mother’s affairs and coordinating her move from rehab to an assisted-living community. AnotherDaughter™ spent many hours sorting through piles of paperwork that covered the dining room table. They combed cabinets, closets, boxes—literally every nook and cranny, and sorted what to keep, shred, or recycle. For example, deeds had to be separated from recipes and letters. Forgotten prescriptions were submitted for reimbursement. AnotherDaughter™ simplified keeping track of Fred’s mother’s funds by reducing the number of her investment and banking institutions and credit cards. In addition, when his mother was ready to move from assisted to independent living, they advocated with the facility which sped up her move. Peace and calm prevailed.

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Anne called Lesley with great relief when she found out about AnotherDaughter™. Anne had been caring for her elderly relative, Susan, for the past few years. Susan had Alzheimer’s and was in a nursing home. In consultation with Lesley, Anne determined that Susan needed assistance with her paperwork. As a result, Anne submitted a change of address for Susan, and now all of her mail comes to AnotherDaughter™. They monitor her investment accounts, bank accounts, insurance filing – and all other paperwork. They pay her bills, prepare paperwork for the CPA to file her taxes, and do a monthly report for Anne. They also take Susan to the dentist, the only doctor who doesn’t come to her. AnotherDaughter™ talks with the insurance company to resolve claim issues and to the nursing home personnel to coordinate care for Susan. All was in order, and Anne was so grateful.

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Peter called AnotherDaughter™ to help with his father. Peter was just getting ready to retire and wanted to travel. His father, John, was living in an assisted living community and needed attention when Peter was out of town. At meetings with AnotherDaughter™, Peter and his father decided that what John needed was for them to help monitor his health care. They make sure John has his needs met while Peter is gone. AnotherDaughter™ takes John to the doctor, sits in on consultations, asks informed questions, advocates for John with the doctor and sends Peter an email report the same day to keep him informed. They worked with the nurse, the resident services department, the executive director and other facility personnel, advocating for John to make sure he received the care he needs. Peter is comfortable traveling and leaving his father in their hands. Peter knows they will be there for his father, even if he needs a middle-of-the-night visit to the hospital. AnotherDaughter™ believes that the elderly should never have to go to the hospital alone.

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Meet the Care Coordinator

Lesley’s vision for AnotherDaughter™ is to assist seniors in need of care and to find the “best fit” of services.

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Service at a glance

Support for Independent Living

AnotherDaughter™ performs many senior care services, and can arrange, supervise and coordinate many others.

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